I haven't physically tried the new Apple TV yet, but it seems that Apple TV now has some greater potential competing with other media players such as Roku, Google Nexus Player, etc. In addition, the new Apple TV remote seemed like a fascinating input device for TV as well.
This week, I designed a quick TV experience and interface for the new Apple TV. Of course, there's pretty much no chance that Apple TV will actually integrate native broadcast channels. But still, why not? It's called Apple 'TV', so I thought it should have channels people normally watch on their TV as well.
So here it is. The first project of chapter two.
Demo Footage

On Air Now
Basic information of what's showing when launched.

Missed? Can't wait?
Able to browse previous or upcoming episodes.

Synced with Third-Party Apps
Watch other episodes if available on platforms like SBS OnDemand, iTunes Store, etc.

TV Guide = Time Machine
Travel through the TV guide to watch what was on earlier or see what's coming next. Go forward to watch trailers for upcoming movies or back to catch missed shows immediately.

Future Gives Trailers
Swipe to an upcoming movie to load its trailer if no free high-quality media is available.

Trailer Playing
If tapped or if no touch event is captured, the guide hides, focusing on the clip.