End of Chapter 1
Just woke up from a lazy Sunday nap... Some of my brain cells might still be asleep, so I hope I write a good wrap-up here.
Again, I can't believe that Project Weekly is now one year old. (To be precise, it will be right after tonight.) I believe the first year was a little bumpy and rustic somewhat, but I've surely learned so much.
So many things happened in the journey as well. I received a number of unexpected compliments from others. Suggestions or further ideas on the existing weekly projects. I noticed some taking the weekly projects and using them for their creativity too, and I absolutely feel honored by such a gesture. Lastly, I had this great opportunity to teach User Experience Design at General Assembly. I'm not too sure if I will be teaching again anytime soon since I will be having a new family member to look after next year (*wink *wink) and also need to spend more time with my wife.
For the next chapter of Project Weekly, there will be no change to its original rule—just a new project in any genre released every week. Presumably, there won't be any big website redesign until the end of chapter two. Therefore, I promise that only a few weeks will be taken for any redesign work in the next chapter. I can't give away what upcoming weekly projects will be, but all I can say now is that I've got tons to show you. Chapter one was just the start, the warm-up. Oh, yes...
When I started Project Weekly, I never expected any feedback from others or for others to see my work. I started this project simply because I deeply love what I do. I wanted to challenge myself every day and push beyond what I thought I could achieve. Nonetheless, I received so many voices from others, and I feel speechlessly grateful.
I look forward to the next chapter. See you all next week, fresh and sharp.