Messenger App - Part 2
As promised last week, this week I have completed animated prototypes for the last weekly project.
List to Chat
Tap to enter the chat.
Posting Options / Create Event
Tap or press and hold the plus button to reveal posting options. On the create event screen, I've tried to minimize the number of taps needed on the keyboard so users can stay on the keyboard and quickly type details.
Friend Radar / Invite to Event
Pinch in anywhere to reveal the friend radar mode. Here, you can also view upcoming events. To invite or add others to those events, you can simply drag and drop them into the event cards.
Photo Uploading Process
This is just a quick demo to show what it looks like when a photo is sent. I thought it would be nice to show an uploading process as well instead of merely saying 'Sent.'

Made on Adobe After Effects
You've probably guessed it already. I use After Effects to create animated prototypes, especially for those with complex features.