Vane Jung


Week #3612 July 2015

I've been capturing some ideas for an instant chat or messenger app in my notes for some time, and I thought it would be good to mock up all those ideas this week. So, here they are. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to create animations to demonstrate how those features work. However, I've planned to continue this project and complete the animations next week as part two. Stay tuned.

P.S. The name of this app, 'Livif,' is made up on the spot. It has no meaning.

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This is where all the chats are stored. The customizable friend list at the top provides quick shortcuts to chat with friends.



This is not too different from other messenger apps, which is intended to encourage users to adapt easily. One small detail is that screens get stacked like cards, and users can tap the title area to go back.

Tap & Hold 'Add' Button

Tap & Hold 'Add' Button

Users can tap or hold and slide to select what they'd like to post.

Create Invite

Create Invite

Users can create an event with friends and sync it with a native calendar app. Event details can be typed in directly, so users don't have to leave the keyboard.

Event & Photo Upload

Event & Photo Upload

Just a quick mockup of what the event card and photo content look like. Yes, I love that photo... Just love those eyebrows.

Radar Mode

Radar Mode

This app is designed for those who want to be privately connected with their close friends only. So I thought it would be nice to have a radar mode to track where friends are and upcoming events. This screen can be revealed by pressing the radar icon at the top left or by pinching in on the chat screen.

Walkie-Talkie / Voice Message

Walkie-Talkie / Voice Message

Yes, this app has a voice message functionality too, but I didn't want to promote this feature too much right on the screen. Instead, just like a walkie-talkie, users can press and hold any volume key to send their voice messages.

Voice Message

Voice Message