Vane Jung

Jazz Radio MdgeSntV6[Yxj@T

Week #3505 July 2015

I hope you all had an excellent first half of this year. Personally, this first half was pretty busy, and I think I will have a breather by the end of this year.

I have always been keen to make a visualizer with an earth or space feel. I just thought music would sound ten times better if played in space. (Yes, you are correct. Scientifically, you can't hear music in space as there is no air.) So this week, I created a simple visual radio concept that plays music and travels around the world, showing artists' origins.

Demo Footage

This is a quick mockup video of the playback animation. It's simple and subtle. The earth spins at a slow and steady pace while music plays.

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This is another look with a different song and country. When the song changes, it will spin and travel to its artist's origin.

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The earth's appearance changes based on real-time conditions. So there can be a daytime look like this one.

Credit - A big thanks to Tomaz Bertoncelj for this awesome 3D work. Without you, this concept wouldn't have been possible.