Vane Jung


Week #3321 June 2015

I'm not sure about others, but I have always thought the current version of Google Chrome looks a little outdated. So this week, I rolled up my sleeves and redesigned the browser. For your information, this design is purely a concept; it's just me depicting what Chrome could look like.

I implemented Google's material design a bit but intentionally didn't overdo it, as this is a web browser. I wanted to keep the interface flat and generic so that any site you are on becomes the hero, not the browser interface itself.

I'm considering taking this project further in the future by creating a few more screens and a demo video clip to show how the browser actually works and feels. Also, there are a few more features that I want to showcase. But for now, this is it.

Chrome Launched

Chrome Launched

This is what it looks like when launched. I intentionally swapped the address bar and tab area so the browsing area looks cleaner along with the tabs.

Address Bar Focused

Address Bar Focused

The address bar activates when focused.

New Tab: Upgraded

New Tab: Upgraded

I added some spice to the 'New Tab.' It's designed to be fully customizable to the user's taste. In the concept design, I've set four frequent sites, Google Trends, and the latest article feeds from favorite blogs. (I will revisit this weekly project in the future to show how these visually work as well.)

Colour Scheme Changes According to Current Site

Colour Scheme Changes According to Current Site

The general colour scheme across the browser interface will change based on the site.

More Browsing Area When Scrolled

More Browsing Area When Scrolled

Similar to mobile Chrome, the window title scrolls away when you start scrolling. It will reappear if you scroll upwards.



Almost forgot! I also designed the incognito mode. I inverted the original colour scheme a bit for incognito mode.